The Think Tank

NW Shootup Final

by on Jan.29, 2012, under Archery, Main Page

Debbie and I competed in this years Northwest Shootup Tour, a series of tournaments held throughout Oregon and Washington in December and January, culminating in the Final this weekend in Camas.  In order to qualify for the Final, you had to compete in at least three of the first ten legs.

In all there were more than 120 people who competed over the course of the whole Tour, and this years payouts were the largest ever.  All told there was over $3,000 handed out this weekend.

Debbie continued to improve over the course of the whole series, which sort of worked against her in some ways.  She wound up winning the Second Flight back in December, and since then she improved her average score a bit, which stuck her at the bottom of the First Flight instead of the top of the Second.  That is good in that it means she shot better, but it is unfortunate in that it means she would have to shoot through a whole lot of people in the Elimination rounds to get into the money.

She shot really great this weekend, eliminating four people and moving up three places, making the largest jump in placement of anyone in the whole event.  She started out 11th over all, and finished in 8th place in the First Flight.

I shot fairly well in the earlier stages of the Tour, but the last three events were not so good for me.  Still I manged to be ranked 3rd over the course of the entire event, and I moved up enough to compete for the win, but in the end I lost by two X’s and finished second.

It was a very fun experience and I look forward to competing in it again next year.

Full results can be found here.

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