The Think Tank

Halloween Day 2009

by on Oct.31, 2009, under Halloween, Main Page

Happy Halloween!!!  It’s currently just a little before 5AM and we are just finishing up with the Pumpkin carving for the night.  Which is not to say we are finished yet: we still have two to go.  Honestly, I’m not sure if they are going to get done or not.  Hopefully, but I’m pretty tired right now and there are several things that still need to be taken care of for tomorrow night later tonight.

The pumpkins look awesome!  Thanks to everyone who came out and helped carve!  I think this is definitely one of the best crops ever!

I hope that everyone who reads this will be able to make it over tonight for All Hallow’s Eve as I think it should be one of the best ones yet.  And if you can’t make it, then I hope you have a great night and that all of your Trick Or Treat wishes come true!

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