2009: A Year In Pictures
by Chris on Jan.01, 2010, under Main Page
For quite a while now I have been wanting to make a photobook that was a comprehensive journal of the highlights and important moments of the whole year. This year I have finally done exactly that.
The actual photobooks have proven very difficult to produce due to an unbelievable number of printing problems, but little by little I am actually getting the physical books created. But for those of you who might not be able to see the book in person, I thought it would be nice to post it here so you can see it as well. Most everything is available either here or on friends.thinktankgallery, but its nice to be able to get it all one place.
You can download the PDF by clicking on the title below. I hope you enjoy it.
** UPDATE **
The link above has been fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience.
January 5th, 2010 on 4:17 pm
So thats what you do during the morning shift! 😉
January 3rd, 2010 on 12:14 pm
this is the one that does not work. Sorry