The Think Tank

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On our way to Florida

by on Feb.05, 2010, under Adventures, Main Page

Joel and I are on the way to Florida for the Space Shuttle launch scheduled for early Sunday morning. It is the last night time shuttle launch scheduled, since they are retiring the shuttle this year.

We are laid over in Houston for a few minutes. I will post updates and pictures regularly, so check back often over the next few days!

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Springwater Corridor bike ride

by on Jan.10, 2010, under Bike Rides, Main Page


Relishing that fact that I found myself with nothing that had to be accomplished yesterday, and mindful of how unprepared I am for the Seattle To Portland bicycle ride that Joel and Tim and I are planning on doing in July, I figured it was the perfect time to take a prolonged ride through the Springwater Corridor.   I’ve heard many people talk about it and several friends and workmates use it regularly, but I had never been on it personally.

(continue reading…)

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Snow Storm Photos

by on Jan.06, 2010, under Main Page


A freak “snow storm” blew through town on December 29th which none of the local weathermen predicted. By the time the snow stopped falling we had about three inches at our house, which is a pretty decent accumulation for us Portlanders. The city pretty much shut down, but fortunately it was short-lived. The streets were clear the next morning, and the last remnants of the snow were completely gone by the day after that.

As for the photos, the street lights around the neighborhood played hell with the lighting and cast a yellow hue over most of the shots. I tried to clean it up as much as my meager skills allowed, which is why it has taken me so long to get around to posting these shots. I hope you enjoy them!

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Think Tank Gallery integration

by on Jan.05, 2010, under Main Page, Photos


Hi All…  I just discovered a very cool thing: WordPress has a Gallery2 plugin which allows me to easily integrate with our Gallery site.  This gives me the ability to very quickly and easily insert photos into posts and pages (along with some fancy new features like the image frame seen to the left), as well as treating the whole Gallery site as if it were page of this blog.  That means in addition to typing into your address bar, you can now go to or click on the Think Tank Gallery page link at the upper right, and it will take you right there.  It also offers some other very neat things that are most likely meaningless to you, but have me all a twitter at 1:30 in the morning.  😉

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2009: A Year In Pictures

by on Jan.01, 2010, under Main Page

2009-In-Pictures-CoverFor quite a while now I have been wanting to make a photobook that was a comprehensive journal of the highlights and important moments of the whole year.  This year I have finally done exactly that.

The actual photobooks have proven very difficult to produce due to an unbelievable number of printing problems, but little by little I am actually getting the physical books created.  But for those of you who might not be able to see the book in person, I thought it would be nice to post it here so you can see it as well.  Most everything is available either here or on friends.thinktankgallery, but its nice to be able to get it all one place.

You can download the PDF by clicking on the title below.  I hope you enjoy it.

2009: A Year In Pictures

** UPDATE **

The link above has been fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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