The Think Tank

Oil Prices

Oil Prices Today Still Dropping

by on Oct.21, 2014, under Oil Prices

Oil prices dropping, slowly but still dropping

today at Larsen Oil/Discount Oil/First Call McCall:

100 gallons at    3.32 per gallon

200 gallons at 3.07 per gallon

400 gallons at 3.05

today at Best Oil PDX

100 gallons at 3.30 per gallon

150 gallons at 3.20 per gallon

200 gallons at 3.04 per gallon

400 gallons at 3,01 per gallon

600 gallons at 2.99 per gallon


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Oil Prices still dropping

by on Oct.17, 2014, under Oil Prices


I am happy to report that the prices are still dropping.  And the prices have reverted to the way they have been for 2 years, with Best Oil having the best prices.

the prices at First Call/Discount Oil/ Larsen Oil have not changed since the last post

the price for 50 gallons of heating oil at Best Oil is 217.

100 gal is 3.30 per gal

150 gal is 3.20 per gal

200 gal is 3.04 per gal

400 gal is 3.02 per gal

600 gal is 2.99 per gal

I am going to remain in my waiting for under 3.00 gallon to come true.  Hope it happens !!!!!

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Heating Oil prices today

by on Oct.16, 2014, under Oil Prices

well, the price foroi today at Best Oil is:

400 gallons is now 3.08 per gallon.  300 gallons is 3.11.   200 gallons is 3.25 per gallon.  100 gallons is 3.35 per gallon.

50 gallons is 215.00

First Call McCall/Discount Oil/ Larsen Oil :

400 gallon is 3.07       300 gallons is 3.09      200 gallons is 3.11

I have to say I was pretty stunned by this.  Last year McCalls etc was no less than 20 cents per gallon HIGHER each time I checked.  Today they are a cent LOWER.

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Oil Prices today

by on Oct.09, 2014, under Oil Prices

well, the price today at Best Oil is 3.12 cents per gallon for 400 gallons.  Been here for several days,  Hoping it drops lower.  I will wait a few more days before I call to order.  I hope to wait til Thanksgiving to turn on the furnace.  Cross your fingers that my Indian Summer continues.

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a little bit of good news

by on Sep.24, 2014, under Oil Prices

On July 3, 400 gallons was 3.50 per gallon.  Last Friday it was 3.47 per gallon when purchasing 400 gallons,  Today it is 3.33 per gallon when I ordering 400 gallons.  I hope this down trend continues.   I will need to order in a week or two. The prices quoted are from Best Oil Portland.  They have consistently been lower by several cents for the last couple of years.

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