Crestfallen Mausoleum construction finished
by Chris on Oct.18, 2009, under Halloween, Main Page
*** UPDATE ***
This project is now 99.9% done! As you can see from the picture, we have finished the sign for the top and we have also finished the mechanics of the Crypt Keeper and the voicebox is fully functional – I just have to adjust the timing and he’s done. Should only take about 10-20 minutes.
*** End ***
We worked for about 10 hours on Friday afternoon and night to finish the construction of the crypt. Mike and Mairi came over for a while and helped me and mom put the plywood up, and then I carved out the gaps between the stones while mom and Mo painted it. We finished up around midnight or a little after.
The front and north sides are the only two that really show, so I didn’t bother with the styrostone on the back or the south side, I just left them plywood painted the same stone color as the rest.
Mom found a small section of fence left over from when we built our garbage can corral which fit the doorway perfectly, so she sprayed that black and hung it in the opening, and I took the little ghost that hung in the tunnel a few years ago and put that inside the crypt, illuminated by a black light. I also put a small oscillating fan inside, so it periodically blows on the ghosts skirts and makes it flutter around, when its been activated. It is also sound and motion activated so if it moves enough or there is a loud enough sound it moans and raises and lowers its hands and arms.
From the front of the house the crypt falls into shadow, so all you can see is the glowing ghost fluttering around at the back of the graveyard. Then the lightning goes off and illuminates everthing and you can see the crypt… I have to say that it looks phantomtastic!
The projects that are left in regards to the crypt are:
- Make a fancy looking sign/facade thing that will bolt to the roof with something along the lines of “Abandon All Hope” carved into it. Done!
- Make a ghoul that sits outside the crypt and jumps out of his chair when people walk past Done!
The second part is half way finished, as I have have already taken apart the old mechanism from the Coffin Jumper and rebuilt it into a piston driven swingarm. All that is left is to get the rope/string/fish line that will connect the ghoul to the arm, drill a hole in the wall of the crypt and hang a couple of pulleys. I will probably use a Blucky blow-molded skeleton as the body for my ghoul and that means I will probably need to stuff some pvc into his head and down his torso to add some strength. Otherwise I think the swingarm will just rip his head off.
After that, of course, I will have to tweak the whole thing so the ghoul looks right as he comes out of his chair.
I’ll update the post with pics and videos tonight, when I’ll hopefully have it completed.
October 23rd, 2009 on 1:41 am
Well, I have been patiently waiting for updates. I hope you have time soon to let everyone see the hard work you have been doing. I bet you do too!