The Think Tank

Space shuttle launch #2

by on Feb.07, 2010, under Main Page

Well, we are back in line for the shuttle launch tonight. It did not make sense for us to drive 3 hours back to Saint Petersberg just so we could turn around and drive 3 hours back to the Cape, so we stayed in a little dive motel in Titusville. We ate breakfast after the launch – barely able to stay awake – while our room was being cleaned, then we slept the day away. We didn’t get up and moving until 5pm. We went to a nearby sports bar and watched the Saints whoop on the Colts, then we came back to Kennedy Space Center for attempt #2 for this launch.

What a different experience: last night there were approximately 10,000 people on 200+ busses. Tonight there is not even a quarter of that. It’s nuts. For contrast, the picture above was taken tonight, the one at right was taken last night. Last might we were standing where tonights shot is facing, and we had thousands of people behind us.


I will be trying to post the rest of the pics tonight, these are all from my phone so far.

Launch Status:

As of now they Are predicting a 60% chance of successful launch. Right now it is clear skies, but there is a cloud bank moving in. We’ll just have to wait and see…

Update, 12:33:

We are in line for the 4th bus, 4 better than yesterday. No tech issues and weather is “go” as of now.


Update, 2:08am:

We are around T-1:00 hour and the weather conditions are currently “red” but the weather officer is optimistic for “green” conditions in the launch window.

On an up note, we managed to sneak in 4 beers, which was better than last night: we had a six pack of Guinness and a bottle Belvanie confiscated at the gate.

Update, t-9 and holding:

All weather conditions are go at KSC, and the prediction is that this will continue. Now the problem is the emergency landing sites in Europe. All three of them are “no-go” right now. We need one to be green in order to launch.


Update, T-9 and counting:

We are Go For Flight!!!! It’s time to go flying!!

Update, 4:25am:

Shuttle Endeavour launched successfully tonight carrying six astronauts into orbit. What an incredible sight!! Everyone is right, there’s nothing like it!

I’ll upload pics and video tomorrow.

1 Comment for this entry

  • Sue

    How great was that?! As the camera panned at launch, I saw people on the causeway. So I think I saw you guys. That is what I want to think anyway. I am SO GLAD you were there to witness this piece of history.

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