STS-130 – Space Shuttle Endeavour Launch
by Chris on Feb.06, 2010, under Main Page
We are officially on the bus! We’ve been in line since 10:15 Eastern time (7:15 Pacific) along with about ten thousand other crazy people.
We were pretty far up in line, but somehow or other we wound getting on to the second wave of busses, but it will probably be fine.
We are very excited! We should be moving out any minute!!! Let’s just hope this turns out better than that sucky Blazers game…
Update, 2:45am;
We are in place on the causeway, but a damn cloudbank is moving in and we are now down to a 30% chance of acceptable weather. Starting to seem like a bummer…
Update, 3;49am;
The weather continues to look like an issue. The clouds here aren’t so bad, but all three emergency landing areas are a no-go. We are at leas than T-minus 20, and as of now we are not cleared for flight…
T – 9 minutes, built in hold:
We are still not go for flight. They will soon due the system poll and determine is this launch is going to happen…
Update, 3:59am, T – 9 minutes and holding:
Airforce reports all weather conditions are green at all sites, but they are still concerned for the launch window. We are still at 30%. Apparently the eyes-on pilots at the emergency landing sites say they are better than they were initial reports indicated, and the clouds here are thinning. They are “cautiously optimistic.” We are anxiously cautious.
Update, 4:38am:
The launch was officially scrubbed due to low clouds on the range. The next launch window opens tomorrow at 4:09am. We will try again then.
February 7th, 2010 on 8:05 pm
Sucky? You dissin’ my boys? Hope you are having a great time.
February 7th, 2010 on 11:06 am
I forgot to ask if you are able to listen on the scanner?
February 7th, 2010 on 11:05 am
oh shoot! I was watching CNN to see the launch, and it looked gorgeous. Then they scrubbed it. So sorry. What a bummer to have waited out there all that time. Fingers crossed for a successful launch in the early morning.