The Think Tank

NFAA Indoor Sectionals Day 2

by on Mar.13, 2011, under Archery, Main Page


Today was the second and last day of the NFAA Indoor Sectionals.  I wound up shooting 1 X worse than yesterday, finishing with 300 and 49 X’s – and a weekend-total of 600 with 99 X’s.  (Perfect is 600-120X).  This makes twice in a row now that I have set a goal of shooting 100+ X’s for the weekend, and twice I have fallen short.  That is very disappointing to me as the 100 X bar is pretty low.  I know I can shoot better than this.

Oh well.

Debbie accidentally went Smurf huntin’ again today (which means she shot an arrow in the blue, costing her one point).  She was a little bummed about that, but she improved on her X’s from yesterday, so that is good.

This tournament pretty much finishes up the indoor season.  The next few weeks won’t have much going on, and then the outdoor season will start up in April.  My new bow should be here around the first part of April, so I am excited to get it and take it outside for a while.

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