The Think Tank

Fuel Oil Cost

by on Jul.03, 2014, under Oil Prices


been absent for a while, but I have been checking.

Today, July 3 the prices of heating oil are as follows:

Best Oil is                                                  3.37 for 400 gatraons

First Call/Discount/Larsen Oil is       3.50 for 400 gallson

Deluxe Oil is                                             3.50 for 400 gallons

the above prices are for cash/check.  Everyone seems to be adding .10 cents per gallon for debit / credit

That seems to be the newest gambit of the big bank/ big corporation assault on the average person.  FIRST : the banks begin with credit cards.  Cheap, easy way to afford what you want before you can REALLY afford it.  Once everyone is hooked on that idea, the interest prices begin jumping  higher and higher.  Now they are usurius because the big banking lobby convinced Congress to allow them to charge whatever interest rates they want.  THEN they come up with the DEBIT card.  This is BETTER THAN CASH, better than checks, better than travelers checks because they cannot be stolen.  OH REALLY ?  The push was on, with some places like Costco gas stations not even taking cash.  THEN this little idea.  IF you do not use cash or checks , and insist on using the newfangled beall and endall credit or debit card (the invention of the big banks/big corporation) it will cost you dearly.  Wow.

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