The Think Tank

Halloween Prep has begun

by on Sep.13, 2017, under Halloween, Main Page

Hi everyone.

Chris has begun making his new props , and repairing old ones for this years display.  He has redone the crypt.  He is working on a few new bits for it and they will be spectacular.  I know everyone will LOVE his new additions.

We always need help on Halloween night, specially setting up our Halloween Costumes.  We need someone to walk the groups through the display.  I admit the groups to limit numbers so the props have time to reset etc.  Shannon walks the groups through the display but it is faster ( and much easier for her) to have at least two doing that job,  So when one is helping them exit the back yard, the other can be starting them through the display.  Chris always needs help in the yard scaring the little people, thumping, making noises, etc.

Our friend Candace is coming this year and I am sure she will be helping too.  Please let us know if you can come and be an assistant ghoul.  🙂

updates will follow.

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