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Halloween Decorating finished!
by Chris on Oct.25, 2009, under Halloween, Main Page
Well, we’ve worked long and hard and we’ve finally managed to get the halloween decorating finished! And we even did it in time for our Halloween Pre-Party on Saturday.
Mom and Maure spent the morning and afternoon cooking up some really great food for the party, while Shannon and I finished up the last minute decorating and party preparations, including setting up the voicebox for the Crypt Keeper. By the time that 5pm rolled around, I had officially put a close to this years halloween decorating.
The party went great and I think everyone had a good time. Most everyone we invited showed up and shared some good food, good laughs and some good brews. Although, I was a little disappointed in how the pumpkin and apple beers turned out: they were pretty lacking in flavor compared to usual. Most people said they were still good though, so I guess if you didn’t have a reference point you weren’t as disappointed.
I still have a couple of projects left, namely to finish updating the soundbox for the crypt keeper and to fix the fog machines.
Halloween Projects: Posable copper tube skeleton
by Chris on Oct.23, 2009, under Main Page
For several years now I’ve used this skele in the Ghoul Scout camp, and I have always attached his head and hands to the clothes lines above the yard. But, as you can see in this picture, a little wind can really play hell with that sort of arrangement.
I thought about it for a while and I came up with the idea of stuffing copper tube through the leg and arm bones to make him posable and give him some stability. I was so excited about my idea that I went on the Monster Page of Halloween Projects to post my brilliant and innovative idea. Alas, I discovered that while it was indeed a good idea, it was far from original.
I picked up the copper tube form Home Depot, 20 feet for $18 which is enough for two skeletons, at least the way that I did mine.
Crestfallen Mausoleum construction finished
by Chris on Oct.18, 2009, under Halloween, Main Page
*** UPDATE ***
This project is now 99.9% done! As you can see from the picture, we have finished the sign for the top and we have also finished the mechanics of the Crypt Keeper and the voicebox is fully functional – I just have to adjust the timing and he’s done. Should only take about 10-20 minutes.
*** End ***
We worked for about 10 hours on Friday afternoon and night to finish the construction of the crypt. Mike and Mairi came over for a while and helped me and mom put the plywood up, and then I carved out the gaps between the stones while mom and Mo painted it. We finished up around midnight or a little after.
The front and north sides are the only two that really show, so I didn’t bother with the styrostone on the back or the south side, I just left them plywood painted the same stone color as the rest.
Oil Price Watch
by Chris on Oct.16, 2009, under Main Page
Mom likes to keep track of the changes in crude oil prices and how that effects the price of home heating oil, so she has decided to stop scribbling her notes on scraps of paper and start putting them on here instead.
If you want to keep track of her observations, be sure to check out the Oil Prices page.
Halloween Projects: Crestfallen Mausoleum
by Chris on Oct.15, 2009, under Halloween, Main Page
Construction of the new Crestfallen Mausoleum is well under way! I had originally hoped to the use an Easy-Up tent frame for the Mausoleum but after a little testing it turned out that just wasn’t going to work. After a little thinking, I decided I just needed to buck up and build a wood frame for it.
I’ll update this post later with complete construction details including a material list if anyone is interested.
I measured the yard where it was going to live, and decided to make it 4x6x7 feet. The four foot depth looks a little funny from the side, but is very convenient because a single sheet of styrofoam will cover the whole thing. I thought about making it 4×4 but it looked too narrow from the front. Six feet looks much better.