Main Page
Think Tank Gallery
by Chris on Sep.03, 2009, under Main Page, Photos
Hello again,
I also wanted to let you all know that I have been doing a lot of work on as well. It now has two sides:, which is where we are attempting to sell our photos (and framing and matting as well); and, which is the photo sharing site for friends and family.
The only real difference between them is that the commercial site is limited to only those shots that I think are worth selling, and the friends site is unfiltered.
Everything on both sites is available in prints or greeting cards, and matting and framing is available as well. So… if you know anyone who would like to buy some photos, we now have a way to do that! And if you just wanna keep up on what we are doing, check out the friends site!
New site
by Chris on Sep.03, 2009, under Main Page
Hello everyone! If you have been checking this site recently you know that I have been terribly negligent in my posting duties. Well! In the immortal words of Woody Guthrie, “The times they are a changin’!”
As I’m sure you’ve noticed, I’ve made a few changes: cheifly I have made this an actual blog site. This will make it a lot easier to update on my end, which will hopefully mean that I will do it more often, and it also allows you to post your own comments! Should be fun.
I haven’t transferred my older posts yet nor have I moved any of the content from the old “Adventures” area. I will hopefully be able to do both of those things in the future. For now though I hope you enjoy the new site, keep checking back as I will be soon be adding additional content.
Oh… and I will also be updating in the near future as well. So be sure to check there in the coming weeks too!