Tag: new site
New site
by Chris on Sep.03, 2009, under Main Page
Hello everyone! If you have been checking this site recently you know that I have been terribly negligent in my posting duties. Well! In the immortal words of Woody Guthrie, “The times they are a changin’!”
As I’m sure you’ve noticed, I’ve made a few changes: cheifly I have made this an actual blog site. This will make it a lot easier to update on my end, which will hopefully mean that I will do it more often, and it also allows you to post your own comments! Should be fun.
I haven’t transferred my older posts yet nor have I moved any of the content from the old “Adventures” area. I will hopefully be able to do both of those things in the future. For now though I hope you enjoy the new site, keep checking back as I will be soon be adding additional content.
Oh… and I will also be updating www.thinktankbrewery.com in the near future as well. So be sure to check there in the coming weeks too!