The Think Tank

Oil Prices

Crude Oil prices vs. local heating oil prices

  • Oil Prices today 1 21 2014 January 21, 2014Sue

    The prices are going up.  Prices dropped during the last month, rather significantly for investors and oil companies.  Strangely (said she facetiously) the prices at the pump did not drop anywhere near as significantly.  Stock Market prices dropped about 10 dollars a barrel.  The price at the gas pump went down about 20 cents.  Heating oil prices did not drop but about half that much.  Now the price has gone up 4 dollars a barrel in the last several days and lo and behold the price at the pump (both gas stations and heating oil prices) are on the rise.  heating oil is up 6 cents as of today.

    Best OIl  1/21/2014 200g 3.40 400g 3.37 up. 06
    Larsen/Discount/First Call  1/21/2014 200g 3.57 400g 3.49 down .02
     01/06/14  Close 93.43 Crude   1/21/114 Close   94.37 up
     up   .94

    Larsen / Discount/ First Call seems to lag behind in changing prices.  I anticipate the price will rise in a day or two.  Lets hope the price reverses it self and drops again.

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  • New Year New Prices, Oil prices today 01 – 07 – 2014 January 7, 2014Sue
    Best OIl  1/6/2014 200g 3.34 400g 3.31 down .10
    Larsen/Discount/First Call 200g 3.59 400g 3.53 up .04
     12/24/13  Close 99.22 Crude   1/06/114 Close   93.43 up
     down 5.48

    Well, the prices are falling on Wall Street.  The prices are not falling as quickly or as far as the crude and wholesale prices are.  I guess that is not surprising.  I think it is dreadful.  The prices rise the very day the wholesale / market price increases.  Yet when the wholesale / market price drops, the retail / at the pump price drops VERY SLOWLY.  I guess the oil corporation NEED the record profits much more than homeowner / drivers etc need money to heat their homes, buy food, pay rent, pay for prescriptions etc etc etc.  I certainly wish our leaders would address this sanctioned robbery of the common man and hold the large corporations accountable.

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  • Oil Prices today Dec 30, 2013 December 30, 2013Sue

    Shucks, for a Christmas present for the oil companies the price of heating oil has gone up.


    it is $ 3.45 gallon when you purchase 400 gallons and 3.48 when you purchase 200 gallons at Best Oil .  They continue to have the best prices I can find.  At Larsen Oil/Discount Oil/McCalls Oil, it is $ 3.57 when you purchase 400 gallons and $ 3.59 per gallon when you purchase 200 gallons.  Yikes !  That is quite an increase.  I hope it goes down SOON.

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  • Oil Prices today Dec. 26, 2013 December 26, 2013Sue

    The last time the stock market closed crude oil was 99.22.  I certainly hope the price drops today.  It would be nice to start the new year off with lower prices.

    Best OIl 200g 3.44 400g 3.40 up .12
    Larsen/Discount/First Call 200g 3.55 400g 3.53 up .13
     12/13/13  Close 96.60 Crude   12/24/13 Close   99.22 up
     up 2.62

    That is quite a difference.  Man I hope it comes down again.  I wish someone would/could start a company, non profit that sold wind turbines and solar panels to home owners so we could unplug from the grid.  If heating oil were a CHOICE rather than a necessity, the price would come down.  Til then, the oil corporations can and will continue to inflict pain and suffering and uncomfortable choices ( heat or food ?) on its customers.

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  • Fuel Oil Prices up today December 18, 2013Sue

    Well, the stock market had a good day, and heating oil prices went up today,  4 cents per gallon.  Doggone it.  Seems that Congress and the Government could stop speculators from having such a critical impact on ordinary folks.  The rich don’t pay the same percentage of their income to heat their homes so expensive fuel oil and gasoline do not hurt them to the same degree it does the little people.

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  • Oil Prices Monday Dec. 16, 2014 December 16, 2013Sue
    Best OIl 200g 3.32 400g 3.28 down .04
    Larsen/Discount/First Call 200g 3.42 400g 3.41  N/C
     12/12/13  Close 97.44 Crude 12/13/13   Close     96.60 down .84

    well, again today, heating oil dropped at Best Oil.  This is the best price since we bought ours the week before Thanksgiving.  Hopefully the price will continue to drop.

    Larsen/Discount/First Call Oil does have some discounts.  4 cents off for cash,  2 cents off for senior citizens, and new customers can receive 10 free gallons with their first order.  I am not certain if a check is the same as cash as far as their discount is concerned.

    The price of crude went up today on the stock market, a little more than a dollar, so it will be interesting to see if fuel oil goes up tomorrow.  So far I have not really seen a perfect relationship between crude , heating oil, gas prices and the market.  If crude goes up, sometimes heating oil goes down,  vice versa, and there is never a quick turnaround when the price drops and drops and drops.  For heating oil and gasoline to drop at the pump takes a lot longer than when it goes up.  Interesting.  I will keep watching.

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  • Friday Dec 13, 2013 Oil Prices December 13, 2013Sue

    well, today the stock market went down, and so did oil prices.  That is a good thing !

    Best OIl 200g 3.34 400g 3.32 down .01
    Larsen/Discount/First Call 200g 3.42 400g 3.41  down .o2
     12/12/13  Close 97.44 Crude 12/13/13   Close     96.60 down .84

    that is a good trend.  Lets hope it keeps right on dropping.  Stay warm friends.  It is supposed to stay above freezing for about 5 days.

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  • Heating Oil Prices today December 12, 2013Sue

    Well, we had some problems for a couple of weeks with our host server.  Seems it may now be fixed so lets keep our fingers crossed.

    Best OIl 200g 3.35 400g 3.33 UP  .02
    Larsen/Discount/First Call 200g 3.44 400g 3.43
     11/25/13   Close 94.09 Crude 12/12/13   Close     97.44 up 3.35

    Pioneer Oil changed their website so I had to find another comparison company.  Our old preferred oil company that we purchased from for years and years, Larsen was purchased by First Call McCalls and the prices went way up.  They also purchased Discount Oil and now it is anything but a discount price.  i will be posting their prices now as a comparison.

    It is up quite a bit from the 3.25 we paid for our oil the week before Thanksgiving.  I am ever hopeful it will drop.

    that is it for today.  Stay warm everyone.

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  • Heating Oil price Nov. 25, 2013 November 25, 2013Sue

    Today, the price of crude oil dropped on Wall Street, so did the price of heating oil on Wall Street.  So hooray, the price dropped at the pump too.

    Best OIl 200g 3.34 400g 3.31 Down  .05
    Pioneer Oil 200g 3.44 400g 3.42 UP  .04
     11/22/13 Close 94.84 Crude 11/25/13   Close     94.09 down .75
    11/22/13   Close 3.04 Heating Oil 11/25/13   Close 3.03 down .01

    It is still not back to what I paid 400 gallons @ 3.28.  And it is not at the low point a week before I bought when it was 3.25.  Last year, the week after I purchased our oil at 3.49, it dropped to 3.22.  I would love for it to drop even lower than that, but I guess we just have to wait and watch.  I checked with First Call Heating who took over my old favorite heating oil company, Larsen Oil, and they also took over Discount Oil and even tho they did not chane the name, boy is it NOT a discount.  The price for heating oil today at Dscount/First Call is 100 gal 3.74,  200 gal 3.49, 400 gal 3.47.  The 100 gallon price at Best Oil is 3.56, and at Pioneer 100 gallons is 3.67.  I just keep saying it,  It costs money to be poor.

    Hope you all have a wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving with your loved ones.

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  • Fuel Oil heating prices Nov.22,2013 November 22, 2013Sue
    Best OIl 200g 3.39 400g 3.36 UP  .08
    Pioneer Oil 200g 3.44 400g 3.36 UP  .04
     11/21/13 Close 95.44 Crude 11/22/13   Close     94.84 down .60
    11/21/13   Close 3.01 Heating Oil 11/22/13   Close 3.04 up .03

    So today the price of crude went down, and inexplicably, the cost of heating oil went up.  Hard to understand how that works.  The price for 100 gallons is always higher, at BEST OIL it is 3.59 and at Pioneer Oil it is 3.67.  I just keep saying it, it costs LOTS of money to be poor.

    Hopefully the coming weeks will see the price come down.  I like it to drop, I just really feel bad when it does it immediately after I mortgage my soul to heat the house.

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