The Think Tank

Oil Prices

Crude Oil prices vs. local heating oil prices

  • Tuesday January 26, 2010 January 26, 2010Sue

    Sorry folks,  busy day, helping Louise, Inger and Fran.  And I started the day out by scouring the paper and craigslist, etc for jobs and filling out apps and sending resumes etc.  One of these days SOMEONE will want me.  So no prices today, got home too late.

    Today was in the mid 50’s and gray to start, then bright and sunny and by 5 or so, pouring down rain.  Tomorrow is supposed to be nice and dry.

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  • Monday Jan. 25, 2010 January 25, 2010Sue

    I saw on the news that today is the most depressing day of the year.  No one is sure why.   The price of home heating oil did drop due to Fridays drop on Wall Street.  The price for home heating oil today lower than at any time since the first of October.  That is good news.

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.22 400g 2.19 down  .o3
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.220 400g 2.17 down  .06
    1/22/10    Close 74.42 Crude   1/25/10   Close  75.26   up    .84
    1/22/10    Close 1.9362 Heating Oil   1/25/10   Close 1.9642   up    .0280

    Market closed up today.  Tomorrow’s home heating oil will probably go up.  Too bad.

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  • Friday January 22, 2010 January 22, 2010Sue

    The prices for crude and heating oil are falling.  For consumers like us, that is a GOOD THING.  Finally the home heating oil prices are falling too.  For the first time since October 12, 2009 the price per gallon is  2.25 for the 200 gallon price.  Today the price for 200 gallons at Larsen is 2.25 per gallon. The price for 400 gallons is 2.22.  The price should be lower tomorrow.  I should mention that Larsen oil gives a 3 cent per gallon discount for seniors.  Makes a difference.

     Our weather continues to be warm.  The high temperature yesterday, Jan 21 was 57.  There was sunshine and cloudy periods with only a dash of rain.  Today is cloudier, but very little rain so far although rain is forescast for this affternoon.                                                                                        

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.25 400g 2.22 down  .o2
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.26 400g 2.24 down  .04
    1/21/10    Close 75.76 Crude   1/22/10   Close  74.42   down  1.34
    1/21/10    Close 1.98 Heating Oil   1/22/10   Close  1.9362   down    .0494

    Good News for us today.  Crude dropped today $ 1.34 per barrel and heating oil dropped .0494, almost a nickel per gallon.  That SHOULD drop the home heating oil price for Monday.  As Martha says,  “that is a GOOD THING”.

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  • Thursday Jan. 21,2010 January 21, 2010Sue

    The market fell today.  Both crude and heating oil fell on the market at the close.  Strangely there was no drop in home heating oil price at either Larsen or Pulliam.

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.27 400g 2.24 down  .o0
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.30 400g 2.28 down  .00
    1/20/10    Close 77.15 Crude   1/21/10   Close  75.76   down  1.39
    1/19/10    Close 2.0085 Heating Oil   1/21/10   Close  1.98   down .0285

    Tomorrow should see a drop in home heating oil prices.  Crude dropped quite a bit and heating oil is down almost three cents per gallon.  We shall see.

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  • Wednesday January 20 ,2010 January 20, 2010Sue

    Home heating oil prices changed very little overnight.  Larsen stayed the same, and Pulliam dropped 3 cents.  Prices seem to be dropping today, so hopefully tomorrow will be brighter.  I was away from the house yesterday when the market closed,  busy with a dinner and late Christmas celebration last night so I don’t know the closing market prices for the 18th.  I will get the ones for this afternoon.

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.27 400g 2.24 down  .o4
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.30 400g 2.28 down  .03
    1/19/10    Close 78.02 Crude   1/20/10   Close  77.15   down  0.87
    1/19/10    Close 2.044- Heating Oil   1/20/10   Close  2.0085   down .0325

    So the price fell today.   Heating oil fell almost 4 cents per gallon.  And crude fell 87 cents per barrel.  That is good. 

    Last weeks weather was high 40’s and low 50’s and mostly rainy.  Yesterday was rainy and warm with temps around 52.  Monday was 57 in Portland, spring like.  Warm, rainy and windy.  More tomorrow

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  • Tuesday Jan. 19, 2010 January 19, 2010Sue

    Hi,  the stock market was closed Monday for Martin Luther King Day.  Therefore, the home heating oil prices did not change overnight.  Today the market is sort of odd.  Up overall, with crude oil gaining a little bit, and heating oil dropping a little bit.

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  • Monday January 18, 2010 MLK Day January 18, 2010Sue

    The prices were trending down all weekend, but recovered as the market opened.  Home heating oil prices did drop as I thought they would.  That is good for us.

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.27 400g 2.24 down  .o4
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.33 400g 2.31 down  .00
    1/14/10    Close 79.15 Crude   1/15/10   Close  78.02   down  1.13
    1/14/10    Close 2.0829 Heating Oil   1/15/10   Close  2.0510   down .0691
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  • Friday Jan. 15, 2010 January 15, 2010Sue

    Todays price for 200 gallons is 2.31 at Larsens.  The last time the price was that low was Nov. 2.  It should drop again tonight.

    Wednesday and Thursday were busy days and I was busy with other endeavors.  I am back on the job today.  The prices are trending downward this week and that is a good thing.  One odd thing has me wondering.  The news is reporting that gasoline prices are on the rise.  AAA is predicting quite a rise in prices.  I have not looked at the pump prices for several days, but the crude price is falling, and the heating oil price is falling so why would gasoline prices be on the rise?  Sounds fishy to me.

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.31 400g 2.28 down  .o6
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.33 400g 2.31 down  .11
    1/14/10    Close 79.15 Crude   1/15/10   Close  78.02   down  1.13
    1/14/10    Close 2.0829 Heating Oil   1/15/10   Close  2.0510   down .0691

    okay so the prices did drop today.  Crude closed down 1.13 per barrel, and heating oil dropped almost 7 cents per barrel.  The retail prices should drop this afternoon, for Mondays delivery.  Might be a good time to order fuel.   I hope it drops further,

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  • Tuesday Jan. 12, 2010 Oil Prices Today January 12, 2010Sue

    It has been a couple of days since the last price.  Sorry ’bout that.  The weather has been unrelentingly warm in the Pacific Northwest, while freezing the rest of the country.  Good grief, Portland has been warmer than Florida for more than a week. Our temperatures have been in the high 40’s and low 50’s.  We have had two or three days with no rain, or at least only a few sprinkles vs. rain.  That changed yesterday.   The prices are dropping a little which is definitely a very good thing.  I hope the down pricing continues.

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.37 400g 2.34 down  .o9
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.44 400g 2.43 down  .04
    1/11/10    Close 82.03 Crude   1/12/10   Close 80.12   down  .1.91
    1/11/10    Close 2.1801 Heating Oil   1/12/10   Close 2.1081   down .0720

    Well now, this is more like it.  Prices are dropping, YAY!!!  Weather is 40’s and raining.  Lets see what tomorrow brings.  Hopefully, prices drop even further.

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  • Thursday Jan. 07,2010 Oil Prices January 7, 2010Sue

    Well, the temps in the Pacific Northwest remain in the 40’s unlike most of the rest of the country.  Even in the balmy southern states the mercury has dropped, leaving Florida, Georgia, Missouri, Texas etc with temps in the 20’s.  Texas windchill values are below zero.  This prolonged chill, the longest in 25 years is probably what is driving up the price of heating oil, although it is dropping oh so slightly.  The weather here is windy.  20 to 30 miles per hour in the Portland Metro area.  There was a gust at Crown Point this morning of 98 miles per hour.  Yikes

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.46 400g 2.43 down  .o3
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.48 400g 2.46 down  .04
    1/06/10    Close 83.18 Crude   1/07/10   Close 82.65   down  .53
    1/06/10    Close 2.1965 Heating Oil   1/07/10   Close 2.1848   down .0184

    any drop is a good drop.  Let’s hope the down trend continues.  I am looking for it to go back where it was mid December, and mid October.

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