The Think Tank

Oil Prices

Crude Oil prices vs. local heating oil prices

  • Nov. 10, 2009 Heating Oil Prices Today November 10, 2009Sue

    Todays home heating oil prices:

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.39 400g 2.36 Up .03
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.38 400g 2.36 no change
    11/09/09 Close 79.25 Crude   11/10/09 Close  79.13   down .12
    11/07/09 Close 2.0076 Heating Oil   11/10/09 Close  2.0550   down .0026

    The sun is shining !  Have a great day.

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  • Nov. 09, 2009 Home Heating Oil Prices November 9, 2009Sue

    Today’s prices reflect Friday’s market closing prices

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.36 400g 2.33 Down .03
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.38 400g 2.36
    11/07/09 Close 77.65 Crude   11/09/09 Close 79.25   up  1.60
    11/07/09 Close 2.0025 Heating Oil   11/09/09 Close 2.0076   up .0021

    Stay warm and dry, and have a great day!

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  • Nov. 09, 2009 Home Heating Oil Prices November 9, 2009Sue
  • Nov. 7, 2009 Home Oil Heating Prices November 7, 2009Chris

    Today’s home heating oil is:

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003 200g 2.36 400g 2.33 Down .03
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968 200g 2.40 400g 2.36 Up .02
    11/07/09 Close 77.65 Crude 11/08/09 Close N/C N/C N/C
    11/07/09 Close 2.0025 Heating Oil 11.08/09 Close N/C N/C N/C

    Larsen Oil is fantastic. They are emailing me the prices daily, so I can post them.  Also, they carry lids for oil fill pipes.  We went and got a new one Thursday for a friend.   When we needed one,  I told them when I ordered fuel and the delivery man brought it and installed it when he delivered our oil.

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  • Nov. 06, 2009 Home Heating Oil Price November 6, 2009Sue

    Todays price’s are:

    Larsen Oil     503 281 0003   200g  2.39  /400g  2.36       down 3  cents / down 2 cents

    Pulliam Oil    503 564 4968   200g 2.38 /400g   2.36       down 1 cent / up 3 cents

    11/05/09  close    79.62               CRUDE                 11/06/09  close      77.65     down 1.97

    11/05/09  close   2.062          HEATING OIL      11/06/09  close         2.0025   down .0595

    It is distinctly possible that trying to figure out the reason behind these price changes could drive a person batty.

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  • Nov.5, 2009 Home Heating Oil Prices November 5, 2009Sue

     Prices for today:

    Larsen Oil    503 281 0003    200g  2.42      400g  2.38

    Pulliam Oil   503 564 4968     200g  2.39      400g  2.33

    Interesting, today Pulliam dropped 3 cents for 200g  and 5 cents for 400g and Larsen stayed the same price as yesterday. I wonder if it is because Larsen is not buying any oil today, rather is selling oil purchased yesterday therefore no change in price.  I may have to go there and ask the question.  But, the market price rose yesterday so I am stumped as to why Pulliam dropped the price.  Hmm.

     11/04/09   close   80.69             CRUDE          11/05/09  close    79.62   down  1.07

      11/04/09   close   2.0919     HEATING OIL    11/05/09  close   2.062   down  .0299

    It is sort of a roller coaster ride.  Let’s see what tomorrow brings.  Today was odd in that the market went up but all things related to fuel oil went down, if only slightly.

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  • Nov. 4, 2009 Home Heating Oil Prices November 4, 2009Sue

    Today’s prices are:

    Larsen Oil    503 281 0003   200g   2.42      400g  2.39      up 3 cents

    Pulliam OIl  503 564 4968    200g   2.41      400g  2.39     up 10 cents

    11/03/09  close  79.42    CRUDE                     11/04/09   close   80.69     up  1.27

    11/03/09  close  2.0667   HEATING OIL   11/04/09   close   2.0919   up  .0252

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  • Nov. 3, 2009 today’s oil prices November 3, 2009Chris

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003 200g 2.39 400g 2.36      UP    6 cents today
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4068 200g 2.31 400g 2.28     No Change Today.

    11/02/09 close 78.12      CRUDE               11/03/09 close    79.42   up 1.30
    11/02/09 close 2.0441    HEATING OIL    11/03/09 close   2.0667  up .0226

    Back on 10/28, the last time the heating oil price was 2.39 and 2.36  oil closed at 79.39.   That is 1.27 cents per gallon more than yesterdays close of 78.12, and the price per gallon to the consumer is exactly the same.  Does not seem right, does it?  It will be interesting to see what happens in the summer when the demand is much less.

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  • November 2, 2009 Today’s prices November 2, 2009Sue


    Todays price for home heating oil is:

    Larsen  503 281 0003   200g  2.33     400g  2.30

    Pulliam 503 564 4968   200g  2.31      400g  2.28

    So today’s home heating oil prices are down, 9 cents a gallon at Larsen and 7 cents per gallon at Pulliam from Friday.

    10/30/09    close  77.00     CRUDE                      11/02/09    close   78.12   up 1.12

    10/30/09   close  1.9811     HEATING  OIL       11/02/09   close  2.0441  up .0630 

    Interesting to note:  Heating oil lost .o630 on Friday, and gained .0630 today.  Odd that it is exactly the same number.

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  • Home Heating Oil price 10/30/09 October 30, 2009Sue

    Hm   yesterdays close was up almost exactly what it was down the day before.  Strangely yesterdays purchase price did not change at all despite the drop in wholesale price.  Then yesterdays close basically undid the previous days loss, and wait for it ….. the price we pay went up.  So when the market closes low,  no change,  market closes high   price goes up.  Not so good

    Larsen Oil   503 281 0003    200g   2.42    400g  2.39

    Pulliam Oil  503 564 4968    200g 2.38      400g  2.35

    10/29/09  close   80.00         Crude                   10/30/09  Close 77.00    down 3.00  barrel

    10/29/09  close   2.0542      Heating Oil      10/30/09  Close  1.9811   down .0630  gallon

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