The Think Tank

Oil Prices

Crude Oil prices vs. local heating oil prices

  • Wednesday Jan. 6, 2010 Epiphany Oil Prices Today January 6, 2010Sue

    Well the warm weather continues in good old Portland.  Seems rotten, since even Florida has them iceskating in the streets.  I WANT snow, and get 45 degrees.  The darned oil prices continue to rise.  This must stop if I am to order oil next month!

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.46 400g 2.46 down  .o3
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.52 400g 2.50 up .06
    1/05/10    Close 81.80 Crude   1/06/10   Close 83.18   up  1.80
    1/05/10    Close 2.18 Heating Oil   1/06/10   Close 2.1965   up .0165
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  • Tuesday Jan 5, 2010 Oil Prices today January 5, 2010Sue

    Well, it would appear I have been having trouble getting into the swing of things again.  Sorry about that.  Or perhaps it is that I can’t stand to report the high prices.  I will try to do better.  It seems as if the prices should be dropping but they are not.  Hopefully that trend will change, SOON.

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003 200g 2.49 400g 2.46 up  .15
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968 200g 2.46 400g 2.44 up .10
    12/30/09 Close 79.28 Crude 1/05/10   Close 78.60 up  6.10
    12/30/09 Close 2.1099 Heating Oil 1/05/10   Close 2.0736 up .0995
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  • Wed. Dec. 30, 2009 Oil Prices today December 30, 2009Sue

    Well good golly Miss Molly we got snow yesterday.  It was gorgeous.  It snarled traffic, it stranded folks on their way home,  and it thrilled me to no end.  We took photos, enjoyed it while it lasted and we are now hoping for more.  The price of heating oil is up again.  Way up, darn it.

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.44 400g 2.39 up  .08
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.47 400g 2.45 up .11
    12/29/09 Close 78.87 Crude   12/30/09 Close  79.28   up .41
    12/29/09 Close 2.1028 Heating Oil   12/30/09 Close  2.1099   up .0071

    So lets see what the close today brings.  It would sure be nice to start the New Year with a nice LOW oil price.  Too bad,  up again.  One more chance, tomorrow, to end on a downward trend.  That is my hope for the new year,  cheaper, more affordable heating oil.

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  • Dec 28, 2009 Oil Prices Today December 28, 2009Sue

    Today would have been my parents 62nd wedding anniversary. 

    OIl prices have been up and down, up and down.  I have been so busy with Christmas cleaning, wrapping, cooking, visiting and having my computer tied up with Christmas projects that I have not been able to pay attention to the daily ups and downs.  Sorry about that and I am now back on the job.  One question though,   Where the heck is our snow?

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.36 400g 2.31 up  .10
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.36 400g 2.34 up .12
    12/17/09 Close 72,59 Crude   12/28/09 Close  78.60   up  6.10
    12/17/09 Close 1.9741 Heating Oil   12/28/09 Close  2.0736   up .0995

    The oil prices are definitely heading in the wrong direction.  Up a lot in the past week.  My vote is for a reversal of that, and for the prices to fall further than they  rose in the next week.  Lets see what the coming days bring.  Weather is nice, no storms forecast, why are the prices rising?  Seems odd.

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  • Thursday Dec. 18, 2009 Oil Prices Today December 17, 2009Sue

    Well, darn it.  In very un-Christmaslike fashion the temperatures just keep rising.  Late last night as I was working around here it was so warm I had to raise the windows on the back door to cool things down a bit in here.  I liked it so much better when it was cold.  Yesterdays high was 44 and the cool temp not that much different about 39.

    I was surprised that Larsen raised the price for home heating oil only 2 cents, and that Pulliam did not raise the price at all.  Goes to show how little I know. 🙂

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.26 400g 2.23 up  .02
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.20 400g 2.18 no change
    12/16/09 Close 72,59 Crude   12/17/09 Close     up  1.87
    12/16/09 Close 1.9741 Heating Oil   12/17/09 Close     up .0653
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  • Wednesday Dec. 16, 2009 Oil Prices Today December 16, 2009Sue

    Yesterday, our high was 39, today as I write this it is 48.  According to the weatherman, the rat, there is zero chance of a white Christmas.  I am not giving up hope.  We have a week,  I think it is possible for Santa to intervene.  I am dreaming of a White Christmas.

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.24 400g 2.21 no change
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.20 400g 2.18 no change
    12/15/09 Close 70.72 Crude   12/16/09 Close  72.59   up  1.87
    12/15/09 Close 1.9048 Heating Oil   12/16/09 Close  1.9741   up .0653

    So up it went today.  Crude went up 1.87 and Heating Oil went up almost 7 cents.  If you are thinking of buying oil for your home, order it today to lock in the cheaper price.  It will go up tomorrow, of that I am confident.

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  • Tuesday December 15, 2009 Oil Prices Today December 15, 2009Sue

    Yesterday’s high temperature 41.  It was 37 this morning.  It was 35 when I went to bed.  Strangely, with the market making almost no move yesterday, Larsen’s price for home heating oil rose 3 cents and Pulliam did what I thought SHOULD happen and has no change.

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.24 400g 2.21 up  .03
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.20 400g 2.18 no change
    12/14/09 Close 69.60 Crude   12/15/09 Close  70.72   up  1.12
    12/14/09 Close 1.9066 Heating Oil   12/15/09 Close  1.9048   up .0018

    Shoot!  Crude and heating oil climbed today.  Not alot, but, if you ask me any rise in price is not good.  Crude rose 1.18 and heating oil rose less than a cent, so I suppose we will see a rise in local home heating oil prices tomorrow, at least a penny.

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  • Monday, Dec.14, 2009 Oil Prices Today December 14, 2009Sue

    Oh my goodness, our cold weather is gone, the blue skies are gone, and the more usual ,dreary, damp, 40 degrees and rainy weather is back in the Pacific Northwest.  Our temp this morning was 39 at the airport, and at our house.  Fridays market close was very little different than its open, but Larsen oil dropped 2 cents per gallon.  Lets see what today brings.

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.21 400g 2.18 down  .02
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.20 400g 2.18 no change
    12/11/09 Close 69.64 Crude   12/14/09 Close  69.60   down  0.04
    12/11/09 Close 1.9077 Heating Oil   12/14/09 Close  1.9066   up .0011

    Too bad for us, the price at days end today was barely down.  It was down though since that is better than up, even a little bit.  Crude dropped 4 cents per barrel, and heating oil dropped .0011 per gallon.  If I am correct, and that is far from a given, tomorrow’s price will be the same as today.  More tomorrow.

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  • Friday Dec 11, 2009 Oil Prices Today December 11, 2009Sue

    Today we broke another record.  15 degrees this morning at the airport.  About 12 on our back porck.  Supposed to snow tonight, then freezing rain, then rain and warmer temps.  Personally, I am sorry the cold is going.  I LOVE the cold clear days.  It is so beautiful.

    I was surprised that Larsen price did not change,  and Pulliam dropped the 200 gallon price 4 cents per gallon, and 400 by 1 cent.  It is cheaper than when we bought in October.

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.23 400g 2.20 no change
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.20 400g 2.18 down .04 + .01
    12/10/09 Close 70.44 Crude   12/11/09 Close  69.64   down  0.80
    12/10/09 Close 1.9008 Heating Oil   12/11/09 Close  1.9077   up .0069

    Well not much change today, darn it.  but crude dropped almost a dollar.  and home heating oil went up less than 1 cent.  Prices SHOULD stay the same for Monday.  We shall see.  Today’s prices are cheaper than when we bought our fuel the first week of October.  We paid 2.25 per gallon for 225 gallons.  I want the prices to DROP so I can buy some more after the first of the year.  I did manage to wait until Thanksgiving day to turn on the furnace though, that was a good thing.

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  • Thursday Dec. 10, 2009 Oil Prices Today December 10, 2009Sue

    This morning it was 14 degrees at the airport.  11 at our house.  Another record cold morning.

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.23 400g 2.20 up  .06
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.24 400g 2.19 down .04 + .05
    12/0909 Close 70.65 Crude   12/10/09 Close     down  2.12
    12/0909 Close 1.9209 Heating Oil   12/10/09 Close     down  .0711

    The market price dropped overnight and it is dropping still this morning.  I hope it continues downward, and that the home heating oil price drops some more.

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