The Think Tank

Oil Prices

Crude Oil prices vs. local heating oil prices

  • Nov. 24, 2009 Home Heating Oil Price November 24, 2009Sue

    Not much change in the market yesterday and only a little change in our home heating oil price.  Larsen’s prices stayed the same, and Pulliam dropped 2 cents.  Market is trending down today, so I am hopeful that the price will drop for tomorrow.

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.24 400g 2.21 no change
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.24 400g 2.22 down .02
    11/23/09 Close 77.61 Crude   11/24/09 Close  75.94    down 1.77
    11/23/09 Close 1.9800 Heating Oil   11/24/09 Close  1.9488    down .0312

    A little bit down,  better than going up I guess.  Tomorrow should drop a couple of cents a least.  If it does that should be as low as it was the first of October.

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  • Nov. 23, 2009 Home heating oil prices November 23, 2009Sue

    I did not learn exactly what I expected when I called Larsen and Pulliam this morning.  Because of the slightly lowered price at close on Friday, I thought that the price would be down slightly today.  I was half right.  Pulliam lowered their price and Larsen raised their price.  Go figure.

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.24 400g 2.21 no change
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.26 400g 2.24 down .02
    11/20/09 Close 76.72 Crude   11/23/09 Close  77.61    up .89
    11/20/09 Close 1.9825 Heating Oil   11/23/09 Close  1.9800    down .0025

    So Pulliam lowered the price by 2 cents,  what I thought should happen since the price dropped at the market close by a smidgen more than 2 cents.  Strangely though, Larsen’s price went up by 4 cents taking it back to where it was on Thursday.  We shall see what tomorrow brings.  As you can tell, I have not figured this out yet.  Larsen oil just emailed me with a price for today.  The same as Friday  2.24   and 2.21.  Must have been a slip up when I called this morning.  At the market close Monday  crude went up .89 and heating oil dropped 1/4 cent.  Anybody’s guess what home heating oil does on Tuesday.

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  • Nov. 20, 2009 Home heating oil prices November 20, 2009Sue

    Prices gained some, and lost some overnight and are trending down today.

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.24 400g 2.21 down .04
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.28 400g 2.26 down .07
    11/19/09 Close 77.71 Crude   11/20/09 Close  76.72    down .99
    11/19/09 Close 2.0027 Heating Oil   11/20/09 Close  1.9825    down .0202

    Good news for buying home heating oil.  Larsen’s price for 200 gallons has dropped to 2.24 per gallon.  That is one cent less than when we purchased ours the first week in October.  It is 2.21 per gallon if you purchase 400 gallons and less if you purchase 600 gallons.  Prices are trending downward today so , with any luck, the prices may be better tomorrow.  Since the oil companies base their prices on the market close, if the market closes up you can assume that the price will be higher the next day, so order that afternoon to lock in the lesser price.   At the end of trading today, heating oil closed down .0202, just slightly more than 2 cents down from yesterday.  And crude closed .99,  a dollar down for all intents and purposes.  The price locally should drop a penny or two tomorrow.  Lets hope.

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  • Nov. 19, 2009 Home heating oil prices November 19, 2009Sue

    The good news is prices have been falling since the market opened a couple of hours ago.  Hopefully all that will translate into lower home heating oil prices tomorrow.

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.28 400g 2.25 down .01
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.35 400g 2.33 no change
    11/18/09 Close 79.58 Crude   11/19/09 Close  77.71    down 1.87
    11/18/09 Close 2.0505 Heating Oil   11/19/09 Close  2.0027    down .0478

    Larsen Oil is down 1 cent per gallon from yesterday.   Hopefully it will be even lower tomorrow. 

    Crude closed down 1.87 and heating oil closed down almost 5 cents, (.0478) so the price should drop in the morning .  We shall see.

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  • Nov. 18, 2009 Oil Prices today November 18, 2009Sue

    Not sure why but the home heating oil price at Larsen Oil dropped 2 cents overnight, despite a rise in the wholesale price.  Hmm

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.29 400g 2.26 down .02
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.35 400g 2.33 no change
    11/17/09 Close 79.19 Crude   11/18/09 Close  79.58    up .39
    11/17/09 Close 2.0609 Heating Oil   11/18/09 Close  2.0505    down .0104

    I don’t know about you, but down is down in my book.  1 cent down is still down,  and I am hoping that down will be a theme for the week.  🙂

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  • Nov. 17, 2009 Oil Prices Today November 17, 2009Sue

    Well a big day yesterday.  Mike and Becca’s  beautiful baby girl Quinn Sabia was born.

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.31 400g 2.28 up .06
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.35 400g 2.33 up .07
    11/16/09 Close 78.78 Crude   11/17/09 Close  79.19    up .41
    11/16/09 Close 2.03 Heating Oil   11/17/09 Close  2.0609    up .0309

    Well, if you did not order yesterday,  you missed a good chance at that lower price.  Prices up today, 6 cents at Larsen Oil and 7 cents at Pulliam.  Lets hope for a reversal of that.  Unfortunately, the price rose a bit by the market close today.  I expect the price to go up in the morning.

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  • Nov. 16, 09 Oil Prices for a blustery day November 16, 2009Sue

    Good Morning!  Well, prices rose during after hours trading, darn it.  I hope that trend reverses itself. 

    Todays prices are:

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.25 400g 2.22 down .03
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.28 400g 2.26 down .01
    11/12/09 Close 76.65 Crude   11/16/09 Close  78.78    up 2.43
    11/12/09 Close 1.9660 Heating Oil   11/16/09 Close  2.03    up .0647

    Okay, heating oil at Larsen Oil is now back where it was when I bought mine, the second week of October.  Lets hope the price continues to fall.  I would like to buy more oil for a cheaper price.  I have discovered that if you clean, scrub, run up and down stairs and back and forth to the garage, the basement etc,  you can delay turning on the furnace.  🙂

    OOPS!!!  Heating Oil and Crude rose today.  Unfortunately, prices will rise tomorrow, in my humble opinion.

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  • Friday the 13th Nov.13, 2009 Oil Prices Today November 13, 2009Sue

    Well, prices continued to drop after the market closed last night.  This morning heating oil was 2 cents down, opening at 1.9620, and crude opens at 76.68 which is down a nickel.  I am hoping the trend continues all day. 

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.28 400g 2.25 down .08
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.29 400g 2.27 down .08
    11/12/09 Close 76.73 Crude   11/13/09 Close  76.65    down .o8
    11/12/09 Close 1.9820 Heating Oil   11/13/09 Close  1.9660    down .02

    Big drop in local home heating oil price overnight.  Price for 200 and 400 gallons dropped 8 cents.  It is almost as low as when I bought ours.  I bought 225 gallons at 2.25 per gallon.  I sure hope it continues to drop.  I will buy more if it does.:)  It is a chilly day today.  Stay warm and have a wonderful weekend.

    well, the prices dropped, but barely.  I am not complaining though.  As long as the prices continue to drop, I won’t fuss to much.

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  • Nov. 12, 2009 Todays Home Heating Oil Prices November 12, 2009Sue

    Well, the rain has returned after a too short respite.  We have discovered that lots of frantic activity (cleaning walls, woodwork, windows, and the like) coupled with relatively mild temperatures mean you can delay turning on your furnace.  😉

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.36 400g 2.33 down .02
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.37 400g 2.35 no change
    11/11/09 Close 79.25 Crude   11/12/09 Close  76.73   down 2.52
    11/11/09 Close 2.0536 Heating Oil   11/12/09 Close  1.9820   down .0716

    Well good.  Larsen Oil down 2 cents.  And  the market is dropping today, at least so far.  More later.

    Whoo hoo !  The market closed down,  quite a way down.  Heating oil prices dropped a little over 7 cents, and crude dropped $2.52.  Tomorrow should bring quite a drop in home heating oil prices.  Can hardly wait! !

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  • Nov. 11, 2009 Home Heating Oil Prices November 11, 2009Sue

    On Veterans Day I always thanked my Dad for his service to our country.  So to my sweet Dad, who I miss every day, Thank You and I love you.  And to all the other Veterans, Thank You.

    Home heating oil prices for today are:

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.38 400g 2.35 down .01
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.37 400g 2.35 down .01
    11/10/09 Close 79.13 Crude   11/11/09 Close  79.25   up .12
    11/10/09 Close 2.0550 Heating Oil   11/11/09 Close  2.0536   down .oo14

    things did not change much today.  I am hoping for a sharp decrease in prices.  How about you? 

    Have a great day, and remember to Thank all the Veterans in your life.

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