The Think Tank

Oil Prices

Crude Oil prices vs. local heating oil prices

  • 10/29/09 today’s prices October 29, 2009Sue

    Larsen Oil     503 281 0003    200g   2.39    400g   2.36

    Pulliam OIl  503 564 4968      200g   2.34    400g  2.32

    10/28/09  Close    77.17      Crude                     10/29/09  Close   80.00      up  2.83

    10/28/09  Close   1.9993      Heating Oil        10/29/09    Close    2.0542   up   .o542

    Well, todays home heating oil prices were a bit surprising.  Despite an almost 6 cent per gallon drop in heating oil prices and a 2.22 drop in the crude oil price yesterday, Larsen’s price did not change at all, and the Pulliam price droped 4 cents for the 200 gallon price and 2 cents for the 400 gallon price.  Odd.  Now I will be anzious to see what tomorrow brings.  Todays close is up almost exactly what yesterday was down,  want to take bets on if it goes up tomorrow?

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  • 10/28/09 today’s prices October 28, 2009Sue

    the prices today are up, darn it.

    Larsen Oil  503 281 0003    200g   2.39     400g    2.36

    Pulliam Oil  503 564 4968   200g 2.38        400g  2.34

    10/27/09  crude close  79.39        10/28/09    close   77.17  down 2.22

    10/27/09   heating oil close  2.0555  10/28/09   close   1.9993  down .0556 
    so tomorrow home heating oil should be substantially lower than today
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  • 10/27/09 Todays prices October 27, 2009Sue

    Well prices fell overnight for heating oil.  They opened in the 2.02 range.  Hope they continue to fall.

    Todays heating oil prices are:

    Larsen Oil    503 281 0003   200g   2.34    400g   2.31   600g  2.29

    Pulliam OIl  503 564 4968   200g   2.34      400g   2.31

    10/26/09   Crude    78.63     10/27/09    79.39    up .66

    10/26/09    Heating OIl  2.0293    2.0555    up .02

    oops went up instead of down.  Dont like that.

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  • October 26, 2009Sue

    The market is trading down today. 

    10/23/09  Crude  79.74       10/26/09  78.63          down 1.11

    10/23/09   Heating Oil  2.0848    10/26/09   2.0294  down  0.05

    Local heating oil price today is:

    Larsen Oil   503 281 0003    200g   2.36    400g   2.33

    Pullium OIl  503 564 4968   200g   2.39   400g  2.37

    remember:  todays home heating oil price is dependent on the LAST close, Fridays closing number.

    tomorrows price should drop.

    The prices continue to fall after the market closes,  this is due to foreign trading.  At 9:30p heating oil has dropped another 2 cents to 2.0335, and crude to 78.66, it is flucuating about 10 cents back and forth

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  • today’s prices 10/23/09 October 23, 2009Sue

    Some changes today.

    10/22/09   Crude 81.19 barrel    10/23/09  Crude  79.74     down  1.35

    10/22/09  Heating Oil  2.1021     10/23/09   Heating Oil  2.0848  down 0.0183

    Larsen Oil  503 281 0003     200g  2.36   400g  2.33

    Pulliam Oil  503 564 4968    200g   2.39   400g  2.37

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  • today’s prices 10/22/09 October 22, 2009Sue

    Since I started seriously keeping track this year there have been significant changes.

    On 10/8  crude closed at 68.50  and Heating Oil closed at 1.65

    Yesterday, 10/21 crude closed at 81.37  and Heating Oil closed at 2.11

    Crude is up 12.87 barrel and Heating Oil up .46 cents per gallon

    Today’s market closing

    Crude Oil  81.19   down .16 from yesterday     Heating OIl  2.1021  basically unchanged

    Todays oil prices are :

    Larsen Oil  200g 2.39   400g 2.36   /    Pulliam  200g  2.38   4oog 2.33

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  • today’s price 10/21/09 October 21, 2009Sue

    Yesterdays closing prices  determine todays oil prices. 

    10/20/09 close  Crude  79.09     down 0.52

    10/21/09 close   Crude  81.37      up $ 1.28

    10/20/09 close  Heating Oil  2.0438  down 0.01

    10/21/09 close   Heating Oil  2.113      up .07

    Larsen Oil   200g  2.36   400g  2.33

    Pulliam Oil 200g  2.33   400g  2.28

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  • Todays Oil Prices 10/20/09 October 20, 2009Sue

    The way it works at Larsen Oil is this.  If you order fuel today, your price is locked in at todays price.  If your oil is delivered next week, even if the price goes up between now and then, your price is todays price.  Same is true though if the price goes down.  However, if   YOU do the checking and the price is lower than when you order it, and you request the change, they will lower the price.  It is not done automatically.

    Todays oil price did not change from yesterdays.  The trend so far today is lower.  Crude is down  1.04 as of 10 AM. 

    Todays closing numbers

    Crude  79.09  down 0.52

    Heating Oil  2.0438  down 0.01

    Larsen Oil  503 281 0003   200g   2,34    400g  2.31

    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968  200g   2.33     400g 2.28

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  • Todays price 10/18/09 October 19, 2009Sue

    According to the nice lady at Larsen Oil, the price of oil is based on the previous days closing oil price.  Late each afternoon, after the stock market closes, they get a phone call from the distributor where they purchase their oil with the price for the following day.  Therefore,  Mondays oil price is based on Fridays closing price.  Tuesdays price is based on Mondays close.  I am listing Larsens oil price as they are always one of the lowest.  I put Pulliams price here as that is who Mike gets his oil from.  I feel comfortable recommending either company.

    Crude  78.10

    Heating Oil  2.037

    Larsen  Oil 503 281 0003  200g 2.34   400g 2.31

    Pulliam 503 564 4968  200g 2.33   400g 2.28

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  • 10/16/09 today’s price October 16, 2009Sue

    Crude $77.9  barrel

    Heating Oil $2.0187  barrel

    Pulliam Oil  200g price  $2.32 gal

    Larsen Oil closed today.  Pulliam cheaper than I thought.  I will check both from today on.

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