The Think Tank

Oil Prices

Crude Oil prices vs. local heating oil prices

  • May 13, 2010 Oil Prices Today May 13, 2010Sue

    well again it has been too long.  The prices are dropping finally. At least they have been for the last couple of days.  The weather is warm.  Heating oil prices should drop, however vacations are a comin, so the big oil boys may keep the prices high for summer gas prices.  They get us coming and going.

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.53 400g 2.59 up   .08
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.58 400g 2.55 up   .04
    3/19/10    Close 80.68 Crude   5/13/10   Close  74.10   down  6.58
    3/19/10    Close 2.0767 Heating Oil   5/13/10   Close     2.134   up  .0576

    It always amazes me that the prices rise so quickly after a rise on the markets, and drop so slowly after the markets fall.  Kind of like how fast the stores/banks take money out of your bank account when you purchase something, and then it takes 4 weeks to get a refund when something is returned.

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  • 23 April 2010 Oil Prices April 23, 2010Sue

    Well it has again been a long time since I posted.  I will try to do better starting next week.  Oil prices have been rising for several weeks.  A wee bit of up and down but more up than down. 

    I will try to be diligent and track the home heating oil price throught the remainder of spring and summer, and then we will know when it is time to purchase more fuel in the fall.  We turned our heat down this year, and at times it was a wee bit chilly, however we went from Thanksgiving to April 10 on 220 gallons.  Best ever.  With my new fireplace and canned fires I will do great next winter.  I think , I hope.

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  • Saturday March 20, 2010 March 20, 2010Sue

    the oil and heating oil prices dropped a little bit on Friday.  I sure hope it is a trend.

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.55 400g 2.52 up   .16
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.54 400g 2.52 up   .15
    3/17/10    Close 82.48 Crude   3/19/10   Close  80.68   down  1.57
    3/17/10    Close 2.134 Heating Oil   3/19/10   Close     2.0767   down  .0371
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  • March 18, 2010 Happy St Patrick’s Day! March 17, 2010Sue

    Well, hello.  It has been a month.  One would think that the prices might drop as warm weather arrives.  Not so much.  My personal opinion is that the oil prices have to go up as Spring Vacation approaches so the OIl Companies can raise their profits by raping the vacationers.  Oh well.  The prices have risen quite a bit in the last couple of weeks, especially.  I have been watching, albeit not posting, and strangely the oil prices have dropped several days while the heating oil prices have risen.  Almost impossible to figure out.

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.55 400g 2.52 up   .16
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.54 400g 2.52 up   .15
    2/17/10    Close 77.50 Crude   3/17/10   Close  82.48   up  4.98
    2/17/10    Close 2.0109 Heating Oil   2/17/10   Close 2.134   up   .1231

    Crude has risen 10.00 in the last 2 months.  Wow.

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  • February 17, 2010 Oil Prices Today February 17, 2010Sue

    Well it has been a long time since my last post.  Sorry ’bout that.  I was busy at the flower shop all last week, which kept me away from my computer and I was not able to call the oil companies for the daily prices.  But I am back at the keyboard now so here we go.  One would have thought that with the coming of spring, and it is 60 degrees here today, the prices might have dropped.  Well unfortunately, not so much.  Prices are quite a ways up from the last post.  I, for one, am hoping for a reversal of that particular trend.

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.39 400g 2.36 up   .10
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.39 400g 2.37 up.05
    2/05/10    Close 71.19 Crude   2/17/10   Close  77.50   up  5.31
    2/05/10    Close 1.8748 Heating Oil   2/17/10   Close 2.0109   up   .1361
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  • Saturday February 6, 2010 February 6, 2010Sue

    Sorry this post is late.  Friday, Chris and Joel left for Florida to witness the last nighttime launch of the space shuttle.  Had to go to the airport at 4:30am after 2 hours sleep.  Came home and watched the open of the market and fell asleep.  Awoke at 10a, ate breakfast, gave the Growler her tuna and medicine, and went to Ingers.  Got home around 6:30p.  Ate dinner, fed the cat her medicine and forgot about oil prices.  Yesterdays temperature was a wonderful sunny 55 degrees, with an east wind.  How nice for early February.  The market dropped yesterday, significantly.

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.29 400g 2.26 N/C
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.34 400g 2.32 down .02
    2/04/10    Close 72.98 Crude   2/05/10   Close  71.19   down   1 .81
    2/04/10    Close 1.9352 Heating Oil   2/05/10   Close 1.8748   down    .0614

    Today, Saturday is still dry.  It is warm still, just not as warm as yesterday.  Forecast for today is 51.  Mostly dry.  The East from Missouri, Kentucky, North Carolina, Virginia, New York, Washington DC are getting hammered with what may be a 100 year snow storm  2 to 3 feet of snow forecast for Fri, today Saturday, and Sunday.  Yikes.  A bit of this storm is hitting Florida.  Hoping that the rain misses Cape Canaveral and the Kennedy Space Center and that the launch goes off as planned.  Chris and Joel are there fulfilling a childhood dream.  I am so happy for them.

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  • Thursday February 4, 2010 February 4, 2010Sue

    Well, sorry for the missed posts.  The price was rising, I was busy and it was a little depressing.  The price rose Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, today however the price is dropping.  That is a good thing.  Since yesterday the heating oil is down, .0384 or nearly 4 cents.  Since Monday, crude has dropped 4.11 per barrel.  It is still up from Friday but not much.  I hope the drop continues tomorrow so we have a net loss for the week.

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.29 400g 2.26 up  .07
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.25 400g 2.23 up .11
    1/29/10    Close 72.65 Crude   2/04/10   Close  72.98   up   .33 (down 4.11)
    1/29/10    Close 1.9015 Heating Oil   2/04/10   Close 1.9352   up  .0176 (down .0384)

    The lady at Larsen Oil said that the price today was “down” today.  She said it seems that it will “drop right back down”, after going way way up the first of the week.  As you can see it is up 7 cnets at Larsen and 11 cents at Pulliam since last Fridays close.  I sure hope the drop continues.

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  • Friday January 29, 2010 January 29, 2010Sue

    No changes in home heating oil prices again today.  Very strange.  Wholesale prices dropped a teensy bit near every day this week and prices have not changed.

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.22 400g 2.19 N/C
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.21 400g 2.19 N/C
    1/28/10    Close 73.86 Crude   1/29/10   Close  72.65   down   1.21
    1/28/10    Close 1.9259 Heating Oil   1/29/10   Close 1.9015   down    .0161
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  • Thursday January 29, 2010 January 28, 2010Sue

    Surprisingly, there was NO drop in home heating oil prices yesterday, even though the wholesale price dropped nearly a nickel yesterday.  HMMM.  Yesterday was sunny and 56, today is sunny with clouds and nice but not as nice.  Unfortunately, rain is forecast every day for the next 5.  YUCK

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.22 400g 2.19 N/C
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.21 400g 2.19 down .02
    1/27/10    Close 73.80 Crude   1/28/10   Close  73.86   up   0.06
    1/27/10    Close 1.9176 Heating Oil   1/28/10   Close 1.9259   up      .0083
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  • Wednesday January 27, 2010 January 27, 2010Sue

    Todays weather is bright and sunny, temps in the mid 50’s and lows in the high 30’s and low 40’s, above normal and predicted to stay that way for several days.  Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny as well.  I like it.

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.22 400g 2.19 N/C
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.23 400g 2.21 up  .04
    1/25/10    Close 75.26 Crude   1/27/10   Close  73.80   down    1.46
    1/25/10    Close 1.9642 Heating Oil   1/27/10   Close 1.9176   down      .0466

    Prices were down on the market at the close today.  Down 1.46 for crude and down almost a nickel for heating oil.  Tomorrow should see a drop in home heating oil prices.

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