The Think Tank

The New Think Tank Gallery

by on Nov.11, 2010, under Main Page

Over the last couple of months I have been working on creating a new, sleeker design for Think Tank Gallery, the site where we are hoping to sell some of our photography as well as framing and matting services. It’s more or less functional now, and even has some content on it. I am continuing to refine the site and add more content and products to it, including a photography related blog.

My plan is to update that blog every couple of weeks with some of my favorite shots, and maybe some additional info on photography related topics.  I’m still figuring all of that out, but I decided to kick it off with a Photo of the Month.  I chose this picture for the month of November.

I have stuck an RSS feeder in the sidebar on this site which will show the most recent post at Think Tank Gallery.  You can click on the link to the right to see the full post on is still the same as it always has been, a photo-sharing site for friends and family. I decided to build the new site simply so that we would have a more professional looking site where we can sell photos and framing to people who may or may not know us.

I know its gets a little confusing having all the sites with similar names, and I apologize for that.  However, all of the various Think Tank sites can be accessed from here.  Hopefully my friends and family will use this site as the central hub for all the others.

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