The Think Tank

Kennedy Space Center

by on Feb.06, 2010, under Adventures, Main Page


We stayed up late last night having fun with Ansel and Tiffany, so we didn’t get moving until about 9am. We had breakfast at A neat little diner, then we hit the road for Cape Canaveral and the Kennedy Space Center.

I didn’t realize it, but our launch tickets also give us two days admittance to the Space Center.

We are doing the touristy stuff in advance of the launch tonight (weather permitting). Right now we are on the bus headed out to the assembly areas and the closest spot where we can see the shuttle on the pad.

More to come later, along with pics of course!!


We are in line now and waiting for our bus, which is not set to load until 1:30 (two hours). Then of course it will be three more hours until the actual launch.


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