The Think Tank

Oil Prices

Crude Oil prices vs. local heating oil prices

  • Oil Prices 11/21/2013 November 22, 2013Sue

    Our oil was delivered today, 400 gallons at 3.28 = 1312.00 .  Even though I was trying to wait to turn on the furnace until Thanksgiving, I had to turn it on today about 4 pm.  It had been below freezing the past 2 mornings, and this morning it was only 25 degrees.

    Best OIl 200g 3.31 400g 3.29 UP  .01
    Pioneer Oil 200g 3.40 400g 3.38 UP  .04
     11/20/13 Close 93.33 Crude 11/21/13   Close     95.44  up  1.11
    11/20/13   Close 2.95 Heating Oil 11/21/13   Close  3.01

    I was worried the darned price would go down, which of course I want it to do, but it makes me feel bad when I pay ??? and the next day it is cheaper day after day.  Today it went up a penny, so not too bad.  I sort of expect it to go up again tomorrow.  I will try to update this often and track the prices.

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  • Nov 20, 2013 Heating Oil Prices November 20, 2013Sue
    Best OIl 200g 3.30 400g 3.28 Down .03
    Pioneer Oil 200g 3.36 400g 3.34 Down  .04
     11/14/13 Close 93.76 Crude 11/20/13   Close     93.33  down  0.43
    11/19/13   Close 2.91 Heating Oil 11/20/13   Close  2.95

    Okay,  it got down to 30 last night, and it might get into the 20’s tonight so I broke down and ordered oil today.  I paid 3.28 per gallon for 400 gallons.  That is 21 cents per gallon less than we paid last year.  That is good, but I was, of course, hoping for a better price.

    It is still very curious to me how crude oil can drop in price, and gasoline can drop in price as a result of the crude oil price drop, and yet heating oil can rise in price.  It is because they (big oil) know we need it, so they rape and pillage as much as they can.  They make kazillions while destroying the economy.  Wish our elected officials would stop them.  Every time there is a congressional committee that looks into it, or threatens new taxes on their profits they stop and the price goes down a bit.  Oh well.

    Now to see if the price drops in the next week, as it always seems to do.  Perhaps when I win the lottery I will simply buy oil frequently, thereby guaranteeing the price will drop constantly, just after I purchase it.  🙂

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  • Heating Oil Prices dropped today ! November 19, 2013Sue

    Did not have lots of time to check all the prices today, but crude oil dropped today, and hooray so did heating oil.  For 400 gallons, the priced dropped 3 cents to 3.28.

    Strangely, on our way to Seattle on Friday with my 20 cents off at Safeway, I paid 2.86 for gasoline.  Wish heating oil would go that low !

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  • Oil Prices November 15 2013 November 15, 2013Sue

    Well I do not understand how it works but …..the price for crude keeps falling, gasoline prices fall, and heating oil rises.  Since the low of 3.25 per gallon at the 400 gallon mark, it has risen 6 cents to 3.31 today.  I am hoping it drops this evening.  My decision to wait a day and see if it dropped (last week) has resulted in a steady rise, so now my 400 gallons will cost 24.00 more than had I popped for it when it dropped to 3.25.  Not much time left, I am going to have to buy it soon.

    Best OIl 200g 3.3.33 400g 3.31 Up .02
    Pioneer Oil 200g 3.42 400g 3.40 Up .02
     11/11/13 Close 93.04 Crude 11/14/13   Close     93.76  up  0.72
    11/11/13   Close N?A Heating Oil 11/12/13   Close  N/A 

    the price is down from yesterday but I have not updated this chart for a few days.  IF the price drops again today,  I hope the price of heating oil drops.  keep your fingers crossed.

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  • Heating Oil Prices 11-13-13 November 13, 2013Sue

    well, doggone it ,  The price has gone up a penny a day since Friday until today.  Yesterday it was 3.28 per gallon when you purchase 400 gallons, which is my plan.  Today it has dropped a penny to 3.27 per gallon / 400 gallons.  Hope it drops again tomorrow.

    today the price of crude dropped by 2.10 per barrel which caused the price for heating oil to drop, not much but it did drop.

    Best OIl 200g 3.29 400g 3.27 Down .01
    Pioneer Oil 200g 3.37 400g 3.32 Down .01
     11/12/13 Close 95.14 Crude 11/12/13   Close     93.04  down  2.10
    11/11/13   Close N?A Heating Oil 11/12/13   Close  N/A

    these prices are virtually the same as on 12/02/2011.  Amazing.

    some more prices for you:

    Best Oil  50 gallons today is $ 4.14 per gallon =   $ 207.00

    100 gallons is 3.51 gallon,   =  351.00

    150 gallons is 3.41 gallon    =  511. 50

    200 gallons is 3.29 gallon   =  658.00

    400 gallons is 327 gallon   = 1308.00

    600 gallons is 3.25 gallon   =  1950.00

    those numbers sort of prove that it takes money to be poor.  Those who can afford the least pay the highest prices.  Seems wrong somehow, doesn’t it?

    Hopefully the price will make its way back down to 3.25 or below in the next few days.  I would like to pay no more than that, or LESS.  Keeping my fingers crossed.

    I checked it at close of business today  the 13th of November and the price of crude went up .80 today . so the price of heating oil went to 3.29 for 400 gallons.  So it went down 2.10 cents and the price dropped a cent, it went up less than a dollar and it rose 2 cents.  This is seriously a racket. It should be illegal.

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  • Oil Prices today 11/8/13 November 8, 2013Sue

    I have been checking of and on for several weeks now and while the price of crude oil has been dropping steadily and the price of gasoline has been dropping steadily, fuel oil prices have been lagging behind and staying high.  Of course, it is getting cold and since prices are driven only by how bad the corporation can pillage consumers……… the prices stay high.

    Good news:  On the 4th of November the prices had dropped from 3:47 g for 200 gallons to 3.44 at Pioneer Oil.  Last year in November I paid 3.49 a gallon for 200 gallons.  So that was an improvement, not a great improvement, but an improvement.  It was 3.42 gal for 400 gallons.  At Best Oil it was even better.  It was 3.38 gal for 200 gallons and 3.34 gal for 400 gallons.  Also if you order online at Best Oil you get 5 dollars off.

    Today 8 November 2013 the price is better.  At Pioneer Oil for 200 gallons it was 3.33 per gallon.  For 400 gallons it was 3.31 per gallon.

    At Best Oil it is cheaper:

    200 gallons is 3.27 per gallon and for

    400 gallons is 3.25 per gallon .  Much better

    I guess it is almost time to order.  I will check on Monday to see if it changes.

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  • OOPS, prices are up today 12/19/2012 December 19, 2012Sue

    Yesterday, Tuesday 12/18, prices were holding at 200 g @ 3.25  and 400 g @ 3.21 at Best Oil.  Pioneer 200g @ 3.25 and 400g @ 3.23.  TODAY Wednesday 12/19 prices are up .  Best Oil = 200g @ 3.28 and 400g @ 3.24,  Pioneer = 200g @ 3.30, 400g @ 3.28.  Crude is up today also,  up 1.38 per barrel to 89.38. 

    Hope the trend goes down again.

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  • Oil Prices Dec 13, 2012 December 13, 2012Sue

    Well, the prices are still dropping. Oil today is 3.25 for 200 gallons and 3.21 for 400 gallons at Best Oil. At Pioneer Oil it is 3.25 for 200 gallons and 3.23 for 400 gallons. Down 22 cents per gallon since I bought ours on Nov19. Hope it keeps going down.

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  • 200 gallons delivered today. November 28, 2012Sue

    Well, today was the day. I have been checking and the price has been coming down, Hard to believe that 3.49 is a good price but it is about 20 cents less than it was at the end of summer. SO glad we waited. Today the market price for heating fuel closed at 3.02. I hope it drops for the next month or so so I can get some more in Jan, or Feb.

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  • Oil Prices today Dec.14, 2011 December 14, 2011Sue

    It has been a few days since I posted and the prices have generally fallen.  A few ups and downs, but as luck would have it,  Heating Oil has dropped steadily since I purchases ours.  I paid, and it hurts to say it, 3.72 per gallon.  It has dropped nearly every day since.  I just knew it was going to go down, and on some days when the price at market close rose,  the price of heating oil still dropped at Larsen Oil.  Shoot.  So today at Larsen Oil  for 200 gallons  the price is 3.29 per gallon,  for 400 gallons   it is 3.26 cents.  Larsen continues to be the lowest heating oil price. 

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 3.29 400g       3.26 Down .19
    First Call Oil 503 231 3311   200g 3.37 400g 3.35
     12/02/11 Close        100.20 Crude   12/14/11   Close        95.02  down  5.18  
    12/02/11   Close   2.9694 Heating Oil   12/14/11   Close   2.8324 
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