The Think Tank

Oil Prices

Crude Oil prices vs. local heating oil prices

  • Oil Prices 12/2/2011 December 3, 2011Sue

    Well, I really thought the price of heating oil was going to drop.  I waited and waited,  missed an opportunity or two when it did drop in the summer and early fall, but I did not have the money to order it.  I had a hunch it was going to drop , and I waited and waited.  finally ordering oil when below freezing temps were promised.  So I paid 3.72 per gallon.  And the cold temps did not arrive,  and the price of oil started down.  Before I turned on the furnace, the day after Thanksgiving, the price was down to 3.52,  a full 20 cents less than I paid.  Doggone it. 

    It continues to drop today.  Now for the part I really don’t understand.  It has gone up on the market, but down in real life.  Go figure that one.  Today at Larsen OIl  200 gallons was at 3.44, and 3.40 for 400 gallons.  In case you are interested had I spent the same 744.00  I could have purchased 16 gallons more fuel.  Dang it.

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 3.52 400g       3.47  no change
    First Call Oil 503 231 3311   200g unk 400g unk no change
     12/01/11 Close        99.59 Crude   12/2/11   Close        100.20  up .61  
    12/01/11   Close    3.006 Heating Oil   12/1/11   Close   2.9694 Down.04 


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  • Oil Prices Today Nov. 23, 2011 November 23, 2011Sue

    Well,  I have been terribly remiss about postings.  I have been checking and oil prices have been so erratic, it has been difficult to decide when to order fuel.  Unfortunately, when the prices were low.  I was short of funds, so I waited and watched.  UP UP UP went the price.  Finally, with quite cold weather in the forecast I ordered.  We paid 3.72 per gallon.  The price immediately dropped, and has not risen to that price again.  OMG do I feel dumb.  I really thought, and luckily said so in the presence of others that the price would be falling and it did.  Today, the price is 3.52.  I could have purchased   11 1/2 more gallons of fuel at the lower price.  And since I have waited through the cold, to wait to turn on the furnace til Thanksgiving day,  I could have saved quite a bit of money.  If only I would win the lottery, I could order any old day the price is low.

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 3.52 400g       3.47  no change
    First Call Oil 503 231 3311   200g unk 400g unk no change
     08/08/11 Close        97.30 Crude   11/23/11   Close        80,34  up 16.97  
     08/08/11   Close    2.78 Heating Oil   11/23/11   Close   2.99 up .021
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  • Oil Prices dropping today 8 August 2011 August 8, 2011Sue

    Well, finally the economic crisis is helping.  The S & P dropped our credit score, and today lowered the score of Freddie Mac and Fannie May due to their dependance on Federal funds.  So the stock market reacted by falling again, and finally there are some significant drops in crude oil prices and heating oil prices.  It is about time.  I hope it continues to free fall. 

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 3.33 400g       3.26  no change
    First Call Oil 503 231 3311   200g 3.83 400g 3.63 no change
    06/24/11  Close        97.30 Crude   08/08/11   Close    80,34  down 6.96  
    06/24/11  Close    2.78 Heating Oil   08/08/11   Close  2.7986   up .0186
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  • July 7, 2011 Oil prices up again 🙁 July 7, 2011Sue

    doggone it.  I do not understand the way the stock market works I guess. 

    People are still of of work.  Oil prices are keeping people home, forcing

    grocery prices up, and heating oil is once again over 3.00 per gallon, up 20 cents

    in the past 2 weeks.  I think it will again go down.  The price was supposed to drop

    when the Obana administration released so much oil from the reserves.  I guess

    they will have to do something more draatic if they are going to prevent the

    oil companies from running roughshod over the country, and destroying it.

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  • Oil Prices Friday 6/24 June 24, 2011Sue

    ok, today the price fell on the stock market, but not at the home heating oil pump.  Unfortunate for us consumers.  Have not ventured out of the house so I cannot attest to whether or not the price for gasoline fell at the pump.  There is a very slight downward trend, so lets hope.   One would think that the largest release of emergency reserve oil would have driven the cost down.  But I guess not, if you are a speculator in cahoots with the oil companies.  Oh shoot, my bias is showing.

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 3.33 400g       3.26  no change
    First Call Oil 503 231 3311   200g 3.83 400g 3.63 no change
    06/24/11  Close        93.70  Crude   06/24/11   Close     97.30  no change  
    06/124/11  Close    2.78 Heating Oil   06/24/11   Close  2.7675   down .0125
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  • Oil Price Comparison Nov 2010/June 2011 June 23, 2011Sue
    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   100g 3.56 400g       3.26  up  .80
    First Call Oil 503 231 3311   200g 3.83 400g 3.63 up  .89
    11/18/10  Close        82.33  Crude   06/23/11   Close    97.30  up  14 .97    
    11/18/10  Close    2.2746 Heating Oil   06/23/11   Close  2.78   up.51


    so this is sort of dismal.  Hopefully the prices will come down to at least what it was last fall.  Otherwise, we better all put aside a few extra scheckels to warm hearth and home this winter.

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  • Oil Prices Finally Coming Down. June 23, 2011Sue

    It has been a long time since my last post.  The price of oil was so high, it was over 4.00 per gallon of home heating oil,  4.13 the last time I checked.  I was so discouraged I just quit checking.  No way was I going to pay that much,  no way I could afford to pay that much.

    So the prices have been falling rather steadily, albeit slowly, for about 2 weeks now.  We used 300 gallons this year, the last 100 gallons being purchased on February 23rd, 2011 for 3:47 per gallon.  Not the highest we have ever paid but close.  My friend and neighbor had to pay well over 4.00 per gallon for his last 100 gallons in March.

    I will try to keep you posted as the summer progresses, and it nears time for us all to gear up for winter yet again.

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  • Today’s oil prices Nov. 19, 2010 We got ours today. November 19, 2010Sue
    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.76 400g       2.73  no change
    First Call Oil 503 231 3311   200g 2.84 400g 2.82 up  .30
    11/18/10  Close        82.33  Crude   11/19/10   Close    81.60    Down .76    
    11/18/10  Close    2.304 Heating Oil   8/19/10   Close  2.2746   down .0306

     so the price fell, that is good.  The home heating oil price, remained the same.  Hopefully the prices will continue to drop.  If they go low enough, I will get some more.

    In the olden days,  not that long ago, we always filled the tank.  We bought 217 gallons this year,  5 gallons less than last year, for 100 dollars more.  Ouch

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  • Oil Prices today, Nov. 18, 2010 November 18, 2010Sue

    I ordered oil today.  The only good thing I can say is I did not pay as much as my neighbor.  Two months ago she paid 3.18 per gallon.  Today I paid 2.76 per gallon.  So I got 5 gallons fewer than I did last year, for 100 dollars more money.  Ouch.

    That being said, the price has been dropping steadily for about 4 days.  Now it did not drop wildly, as I had hoped, but it did drop.  And with the weathermen all saying the temperature will drop and we may even see snowflakes on the valley floor, I HAD to order.  And, as luck would have it the price of oil went up today, and it made up all the ground it lost in the past week.  How does it do that?

    Larsen Oil 503 281 0003   200g 2.76 400g       2.73  ?
    Pulliam Oil 503 564 4968   200g 2.81 400g 2.70 up  .30
    11/17/10  Close       80.44          Crude   11/18/10   Close      
    11/17/10  Close   2.29   Heating Oil   8/16/10   Close      
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  • Oil Prices Today Aug 19,2010 Thursday August 19, 2010Sue

    Prices dropped slightly today    crude is at 74.39 per gallon    and home heating oil is 2.0049

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